
Elijah with Paul Anderson (MBE) the CEO of Voyage Youth
My journey so far with Voyage Youth
My journey with Voyage Youth started once I had completed a painting of Malcolm X to celebrate Black History Month 2018 and my parents and I were looking for a way to use my picture to raise money for my first fundraising project.
Elijah’s Raising for Charity Through Art GoFundMe Project
GoFundMe Project’s
I create GoFundMe donation projects to make it easy for people to support me in my fundraising as it is a well-established, trustworthy platform. So far, I have completed one GoFundMe project called ‘Raising Money for Charity Through Art’. This was such a successful fundraising project, I exceeded my target and this made me extremely proud and grateful that I have so many people around me who share my humanitarian goals and are willing to support me in exceeding them.
Elijah delivering an award at the Voyage Youth 2019 graduation
Voyage Youth 2019 Graduation
VOYAGE is a social justice charity which aims to empower, transform, and sustain the lives of marginalised young people in culturally diverse Hackney, London. It provides them with training and workshops in a wide range of areas including, Self-Awareness, Leadership and Empowerment, aiming to encourage and motivate young people towards transporting themselves and their communities, achieving their life goals and building better futures.
Each year, students attend a graduation ceremony to collect awards in acknowledgement of their hard work and achievements. In 2019, it was an honour to be invited to attend the ceremony and deliver an award. It was a nerve-wracking experience as I had never done anything like that before, but beforehand, I practiced my public speaking skills and techniques with my mum and dad, and I felt proud of myself for succeeding in the challenge.